Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild

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Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

Online Chapter

​Last Updated 04/03/2023

Technical Innovations

Combinations and Speciality stitches

Detached Buttonhole

      (more than 2 rows 7 loops)

Bullions over 80 wraps

Cast-on over 80 loops

Sunday Morning  SuA1 - SuA4

2023 virtual


flower: Funky real flowers


Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild

Class TitleInstructorLevelClass ID
Getting Started (4hrs)Peggy Daschbach-Martin, Sandy VelinB/LFA-1

Do you feel a little intimidated to be at seminar and attending classes with people who seem like they know what they are doing? If so, this class is for you. This class and teachers offer over 50 years of combined stitching experience. We will talk about the basics of getting started, from how to open a skein of thread, to threading the needle and knotting the thread, to kinds of fabric and organizing yourself for stitching. We will talk about needles, other sewing aids and tools, and terms you will probably hear used all week. We will demonstrate stitches and give you the opportunity to practice them. The class will be an opportunity to ask questions with no pressure or feeling like you are holding up the rest of the class. And, this class is the perfect segue to Getting Started Part 2-A Trio of Trios.

Under the Sea (4hrs)

Debbie GoffI/HFA-2

It's an amazing world under the seas,. Nothing is better than being wetter under these where you can frolic with an abundant sea life. You will stitch several different kinds of fins and lots of corals and other critters too.  Design by Debbie Goff

Bouquet for Friends (4 hours)Mendie CannonI/LFA-3

Do you like receiving flowers? I bet your friends do too. Why not create a bouquet you can send to them knowing that it will last forever as an expression of your caring. Design by Mendie Cannon

BE Colorful RoosterJudy CarusoA/HFA-4

This colorful rooster is hurrying down the road with his flashy feathers fluttering in the breeze. The rooster's vibrant colors are accentuated with green and purple sequins on his breast. The feathers are stitched with double cast-on stitches in an array of orange, gold purple and green. Design by Judy Borreson Caruso. 

Class TitleInstructorLevelClass ID
Common Milkweed (4 hours)Judy CarusoI/MSA-1

Look at how pretty the Common Milkweed is! It really should be named the Marvelous Milkweed! It's beautiful and attracts Monarch caterpillars and butterflies. The color of the flower varies, depending on the soil, so you can choose your own shade of white or pink. The caterpillar is made with a stump work technique. Design by Judy Borreson Caruso

Enchanted Reef (2 sessions; 3 hours)Debbie KelleyA/MSA-2 & SuA-2

The colorful bounty and stunning beauty of a coral reef—captured in Brazilian Embroidery!  This piece is dimensional to say the least.  Some of the stitching is on the background blue fabric, the reef pieces (corners) are batik fabrics (included in the kit) that have been enhanced with Brazilian Embroidery and then attached to the blue background piece.  The filtered sunlight effect is achieved with Paintsticks. To save time, I will paint the patterns before class.  Techniques taught in class include making cords and how to attach the batik pieces to the background. Design by Debbie Kelley DK Designs

Vintage Truck (4 hours)Mendie CannonB/LSA-3

Ever been to a flower market? Why not get in the truck and pick up all those flowers you want to plant in your garden. Don't forget the dog! Design by Mendie Cannon

Passion Flower (4 hours)Debbie GoffI/HSA-4

Exotic passion flowers s they grow on the vine .Enjoy these flowers in hades of purple. Learn by own technique for a star-crossed quad drizzle. this is a variation of Rosalie Wakefield's star-crossed drizzle stitch,. Floss-covered wire is provided in the kit for making tendrils to hang from the vine. Design by Deborah Goff

Theme:  enchanted sea

Friday Morning  FA1 - FA4

Class TitleInstructorLevelClass ID
Copperband Butterflyfish (3 hours)Loretta HolzbergerI/MSP-1

This showy tropical fish swims in an undersea garden of your own creation. The fish is padded and stitched on fine silk wiht fluttering fins and tail. The background is hand painted silk and the choice of water plants or other sea life is up to you. Design by Loretta Holzberger

Rolled Rose Ornament (3 hours)Mendie CannonB/LSP-2

Need an ornament in a hurry or perhaps a pincushion for a gift. This design is two for one as it can be completed as either a two-sided ornament or an ornament and a pincushion or two ornaments. Design by Mendie Cannon

Bullion Flowers Tin (3 hours)Judy CarusoB/MSP-3

In this class you will stitch a pretty spray of flowers for the lid of a hinged tin box. This tin box can be used for storing needles or other treasures. The lid features a spray of flowers with a large bullion flower in the center surrounded by rolled roses, buds, leaves and vies, The design also includes instructions and materials for assembling the tin box. How to stitch the flower lid and assemble the final box will be covered in class. Design by Judy Borreson Caruso

Moon Rose (3 hours)Debbie GoffBI/MSP-4

Sweet dreams while stitching this loverly Moon Rose design. It contains vines, leaves, moon roses, a dazzling moon horn, and sparkly bead strands. Design by Deborah Goff

Abalone Pendant/Brooch (3 hours)Debbie KelleyIA/MSP-5

Abalone shell—who can resist those gorgeous colors?  Techniques/stitches taught in class will be: how to make cords using Cire and/or Glory, creating long beaded drizzles, attaching the charms to the cords, and how to finish the piece as a necklace or brooch.   Students will be able to choose their own abalone shell pieces from a wide variety of shapes and sizes, no two are ever alike.  We will not be “doodling” in class, we will be working on the actual piece. Design by Debbie Kelley DK Designs

Saturday Afternoon SP1 - SP5

Variations on all Basic Stitches

Detached Buttonhole (2 rows 7-loop maximum)

Double cast-on (flat & drizzle styles)

Bullions (35-80 wraps)

Cast-on (35-80 casts)

Needle Weaving

Click on photo to enlarge it.  //  Options may vary by browser.

Membership required.   Join Today!




JUNE 23 - 25, 2023

Classes offered online

BDEIG Members sent catalog with additional information

Intermediate CLASS level


Members, see catalog (mailed) for additional details.

Class TitleInstructorLevelClass ID
Flower Mantis Garden (4 hours)Debbie GoffI/HSuA-1

A small funky garden where a flower mantis is stalking a slipper orchid and keeping watch over this peculiar collection of flowers from pin cushion flowers to dahlia star flowers, elegant but carnivorous picture flowers, Jewish oleanders, and ginger torch flowers,.  Design by Deborah Goff

Enchanted Reef (3 hours)Debbie KelleyA/MSA-2 & SuA-2

Part 2, See Saturday AM (SA-2)

Hummingbird Fuchsia (4 hours)Mendie CannonISuA-3

Hummingbirds are fascinating little birds fluttering as they get their fill of flower nectar. This design captures a moment in the life of a hummingbird getting ready to land on the fuchsia and have a meal. Design by Mendie Cannon

Bullion Pink AsterJudy CarusoIA/MSuA-4

What a beautiful way to improve your bullion stitch skills! The Bullion Pink Aster flowers feature 3 colors of pink. The flowers' petals are stitched in bullion stitches with 6 to 85 needle wraps. This design in a great way to learn how to stitch even beautiful bullion stitches.  Design by Judy Borreson Caruso

Saturday Morning SA1 - SA4

/L = LOW: Students will have time in class to practice all techniques/stitches taught.  

Class will be relaxing and informative.
/M = MEDIUM: Average students will have time to try the techniques/stitches taught. 

Class material will be covered quickly and thoroughly at a medium pace.
/H = HIGH: Class will be fast-paced with LOTS of information/stitching/techniques. 

Students who work at a slower pace could have difficulty.  

Bullions (under 35 wraps)

Cast-ons (under 35 casts)

Knots (french, colonial, pistil stitch)

Lazy Daisy

Blanket Stitch

Satin Stitch




Spiderweb Weaving

Click on photo to enlarge & scroll through set //  Options may vary by browser.

Click on photo to enlarge & scroll through set //  Options may vary by browser.

Click on photo to enlarge it.  //  Options may vary by browser.

Friday Afternoon FP1 - FP4

Class TitleInstructorLevelClass ID
A Trio of Trios (3 hours)Sandy VelinB/LFP-1

This delightful trio of flowers will put a smile on your face while you learn and practice basic BE stitches and work with many of the thread weights that EdMar offers. Pat Kamperschroer offered her original design in 2017, which she sized it the top of an Altoid or similar tin. Design by Pat Kamperschroer

Parrot Flowers (3 hours)Debbie GoffIA/HFP2

Enjoy stitching very rare exotic parrot flowers found in Thailand. Each flower is suspended from a stem attached to the back of the shoulders and which then coils inside the flower, The flower is nestled amongst serrated leaves, stems and tendrils and looks like a parrot in flight. Each parrot flower begins with a padded satin beach and has a very defined head and shoulders. Each of its petals is billowed out with the wind and each are stitched in its own unique way. One petal has a natural lift that doesn't need wire to stay up.  Design by Deborah Goff

Let's Make a Button or Two (3 hours)Debbie KelleyB/MFP-3

Do you collect buttons? Or have a friend/relative who does? Do you want to contribute to their collection but don’t know what to get? Let’s make a few buttons! Collectors love “studio” buttons, especially if they know the artist. It is fun and what a wonderful gift for that button enthusiast in your world, a handmade button from YOU! You will have the option of making “Victorian Woven Buttons” in the Victorian Flag or Star patterns, or “Leek Buttons” (originated by the artisans in Leek, England as early as 1645!) in the Death’s Head or Checkerboard patterns, or “Spider Web Weave” buttons, or “Braid Buttons” using soutache braid in the Double Soutache Ring pattern, topped by a lovely vintage diminutive shell or glass button. They look like tiny Bundt cakes! I’ll have many button kits to choose from in several different colors. We’ll probably have time to make two buttons in class, depending on which patterns you choose. Design by Debbie Kelley DK Designs

Bird of Paradise (3 hours)Loretta HolzbergerI/MFP-4

Stitch a showy flower with lots of greenery on a linen rayon blend fabric. Learn to make shaped double cast-ons by adding some knotted or twisted stitches and ending with double bullion stitches. Design by Loretta Holzberger

Click on photo to enlarge it.  //  Options may vary by browser.


class level


Class Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

​Class Intensity: Low, Medium, High 

Class LEVEL - Intensity