Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery
International Guild, Inc.
Brazilian Dimensional
International Guild
Bullion Intensive!
Debbie Kelley, Teacher
Basic to Advanced
Class $30, plus kit cost
Sun. Feb. 9, 1:30-3:30PM Pacific time
Friends in Flight
Deborah Goff, Teacher
Basic/Intermediate Level
Class $45, plus kit cost
Sat. March 22, 1:00-2:30PM Eastern time
Sat. March 29, 1:00-2:30PM, Eastern time
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: All levels
DESIGN TITLE: Cast-on Intensive
SESSIONS: 1 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Kelley, *Debbie - 100.00%
Have you ever wondered “Why does my cast-on twist/not lay flat/look uneven and loopy/split/not stand up/not lay down/look “crowded”/etc.?” This class will answer these questions and more. It is an intensive study of cast-ons and what makes them tick, or not. Students will need their own doodle cloth; I will provide a simple electronic pattern to be traced onto that doodle cloth. This class is an intensive study of the cast-on stitch, no design is being taught.
DESIGN AREA: Students need approximately 8 x 8 inch doodle cloth
FLOSS NEEDED: Lola in any color.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: A hoop is recommended, about 6 inch.
KIT COST INCLUDES: $3 for electronic copy of doodle cloth and instructions, $5 for printed copy of instructions. (includes shipping)
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: Zoom, auxiliary camera
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Tablet, laptop, or PC recommended
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 4, Maximum: 15
Cast-on Intensive
Debbie Kelley, Teacher
Basic to Advanced Level
Class $30, plus kit cost
Sun. Feb 23, 1:30-3:30PM Pacific time
Deborah Goff. Deborah Goff has been teaching Brazilian embroidery for over twenty years and has
been a seminar teacher, distance learning teacher, and designer since 2006. She started her own
business, Deb’s Brazilian Embroidery Lace Art (D’BELA) in 2006. She has taught many classes in
Brazilian embroidery and various needle arts at the BDEIG in-person seminar, virtual seminars in
2020, 2023 and 2024, Distance Learning from 2022-2024, and at several needle-art guilds and
Loretta Holzberger. Loretta Holzberger has been teaching Brazilian embroidery since before the
guild was formed 30 years ago and has been teaching online classes since fall of 2020.
Pat Kamperschoer. I was introduced to Brazilian embroidery 30 years ago. I found Brazilian
embroidery to be my favorite form of needle artwork. I am a fledgling designer and have interpreted
several designs made for other types of surface embroidery into our more beautiful Brazilian
embroidery. I have taught in both in person and virtual BDEIG seminars. I have taught informally in
my community.
Debbie Kelley. Debbie Kelley has been teaching Brazilian Embroidery since 1993 and creating her
original Brazilian Embroidery designs since 1994, She has a studio in Roseburg, Oregon. She has
taught her original designs to several different BDEIG and EGA chapters across the United States.
She also taught classes every year since 1994 at BDEIG's Annual Seminar, each of the Virtual
Seminars and many classes through the BDEIG Distance Learning program.
Loretta Holzberger, Teacher
Intermediate Level
Class $45, plus kit cost
Thurs. March 13, 1:00-2:30PM Pacific time
Thurs. March 20, 1:00-2:30PM, Pacific time
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Intermediate
SESSIONS: 2 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Holzberger, *Loretta - 100.00%
A pretty hydrangea made with some wired edge stumpwork leaves and lots of cast-on petals edged in detached buttonhole stitches
KIT COST INCLUDES: $15 for kit with design printed on linen look fabric and instructions. Threads are not included. (shipping included)
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Larger screen than cell phone
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 2 Maximum 10
Bullion Intensive! $30 USD
Sea Shell Stitch Sampler $60 USD
Lily of the Valley
Debbie Kelley, Teacher
Intermediate Level
Class $30, plus kit cost
Sun. March 23, 1:30-3:30PM Pacific time
Supported by Education Chair (Contact Us)
Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild
Desert Rose Bonsai
Deborah Goff, Teacher
Intermediate Level
Class $60, plus kit cost
Sat. April 19, 3:00-5:00PM Eastern time
Sat. April 26, 3:00-5:00PM Eastern time
Scroll down to see class descriptions. TWO PART PROCESS -- after PayPal, complete the student's registration page.
Bullions (under 35 wraps)
Cast-ons (under 35 casts)
Knots (french, colonial, pistil stitch)
Lazy Daisy
Blanket Stitch
Satin Stitch
Spiderweb Weaving
Registration and Online Payment Process
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Intermediate
DESIGN TITLE: Lily of the Valley
SESSIONS: 1 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Kelley, *Debbie - 100.00%
A cute little Lily of the Valley design. This will be available with several choices of background batik
KIT COST INCLUDES: $14 for pattern printed on fabric, instructions, photo, plus shipping. Full EdMar thread kit additional $19, plus shipping.
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: Zoom, auxiliary camera
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Tablet, laptop, or PC recommended
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 4 Maximum 15
Hydrangea $45 USD
Sea Shell Stitch Sampler
Pat Kamperschroer, Teacher
Basic Level
Class $60, plus kit cost
Mon. April 21, 4:00-6:00PM Pacific time
Mon. April 28, 4:00-6:00PM Pacific time
Class size is limited
Click on photo to enlarge & scroll through set // Options may vary by browser.
Swirls and Flowers
Loretta Holzberger, Teacher
Basic Level
Class $45, plus kit cost
Thurs. Feb. 20, 1:00-2:30PM Pacific time
Thurs. Feb. 27, 1:00-2:30PM Pacific time
Detached Buttonhole Stitch | $22.50 USD | Basic | Loretta Holzberger | 02/06 | |
Bullion Intensive! | $30 USD | All Levels | Debbie Kelley | 02/09 | |
Swirls and Flowers | $45 USD | Basic | Loretta Holzberger | 02/20 - 02/27 | |
Cast-on Intensive! | $30 USD | All Levels | Debbie Kelley | 02/23 | |
Hydrangea | $45 USD | Intermediate | Loretta Holzberger | 03/13 - 03/20 | |
Friends in Flight | $45 USD | Basic/Intermediate | Deborah Goff | 03/22 - 03/29 | |
Lily of the Valley | $30 USD | Intermediate | Debbie Kelley | 03/23 | |
Desert Rose Bonsai | $60 USD | Intermediate | Deborah Goff | 04/19 - 04/26 | |
Sea Shell Stitch Sampler | $60 USD | Basic | Pat Kamperschroer | 04/21 - 04/28 |
Education opportunities without travel.
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
Knotted Stitch Sampler $45 USD
Friends in Flight $45 USD
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Basic
DESIGN TITLE: Detached Buttonhole
SESSIONS: 1 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Holzberger, *Loretta - 100.00%
The detached buttonhole stitch, that dreaded one for so many but one of my favorites. Spend a bit of time learning how to control it and maybe learn to like it. We will also cover the Mediterranean knotted stitch which can be used in similar ways
STITCHES INCLUDED: Detached buttonhole stitch and Mediterranean knotted stitch
DESIGN AREA: Work on a doodle cloth
FLOSS NEEDED: Some Nova, Lola, and Iris in any medium tone and doodle cloth.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: Some Nova, Lola, and Iris in any medium tone and doodle cloth, Tapestry needles to fit threads
KIT COST INCLUDES: No kit or kit fee. Instructions will be an emailed PDF file
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Larger screen than cell phone
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 2 Maximum 10
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: All levels
DESIGN TITLE: Bullion Intensive
SESSIONS: 1 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Kelley, *Debbie - 100.00%
Have you ever wondered why does my bullion kink/twist/look floppy/have a skinny bottom/look skinny/etc? Do you think you need an extra-long needle to make a long bullion? Did you know you can use bullions as a support network for compound stitches? This class will answer these questions and
more. It is an intensive study of bullions and what makes them tick, or not. Students will need their own doodle cloth; I will provide a simple electronic pattern to be traced onto that doodle cloth. This class is an intensive study of the bullion stitch, no design is being taught.
DESIGN AREA: Students need approximately 8 x 8 inch doodle cloth
FLOSS NEEDED: Lola in any color.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: A hoop is recommended, about 6 inch.
KIT COST INCLUDES: $3 for electronic copy of doodle cloth and instructions, $5 for printed copy of instructions (includes shipping). If student has a copy of my ‘Bullion Intensive' booklet there is no kit fee.
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: Zoom, auxiliary camera
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Tablet, laptop, or PC recommended
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 4 Maximum 15
Desert Rose Bonsai $60USD
Cast-on Intensive! $30 USD
Technical Innovations
Combinations and Speciality stitches
Detached Buttonhole (more than 2 rows 7 loops)
Bullions over 80 wraps
Cast-on over 80 loops
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Basic
DESIGN TITLE: Sea Shell Stitch Sampler
SESSIONS: 2 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Kamperschroer, Pat - 100.00%
Debbie Kelley’s Sea Shell is a clever disguise for a BE sampler. As you complete this piece you will learn and practice many of the BE core stitches. Because it is a sampler, you will practice the stitch you learn many times in a row, reinforcing how it is done. Additionally she incorporates four different thread weights to add to your learning experience. Two color schemes are available – the conch shell coloring and the abalone shell coloring. Beads will be provided for either color scheme.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: No special supplies are needed
KIT COST INCLUDES: $12 plus shipping– Original DK Designs design print and instructions, supplemental instructions from instructor, beads, framing instructions for framing in an oval hoop frame.
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: Laptop, document camera, PDF instructions
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 4 Maximum 15
Class cost will be paid when you register. The kit cost will be paid to the teacher after registration. The teacher will contact you before class begins.
Detached Buttonhole $22.50 USD
Membership required
Lily of the Valley $30 USD
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Basic
DESIGN TITLE: Swirls and Flowers
SESSIONS: 2 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Holzberger, *Loretta - 100.00%
This simple project includes the Mediterranean knotted stitch, knotted lazy daisy stitch, bullions, and cast-on stitches.
KIT COST INCLUDES: $12 for kit with design printed on linen look fabric and instructions. Threads are not included. (shipping included).
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: Larger screen than cell phone
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 2 Maximum 10
FISCAL 2024-2025 LEVEL: Basic/Intermediate
DESIGN TITLE: Friends in Flight
SESSIONS: 2 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Goff, Deborah - 100.00%
The butterfly wings are all done in stumpwork. In addition, to a few basic stitches, you will learn how to shape the wire as you baste it in place and how to secure the wings to the background fabric.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: Hoop, needle grabber, wire cutter, either blue sewing thread or invisible thread.
KIT COST INCLUDES: $12 plus shipping -- Includes design printed on fabric, instructions, picture, blue wire and trigger for stumpwork, assorted fabrics for background and doodle cloth. An additional Edmar thread kit is available for $33.80 plus shipping. Individual skeins are $2.60
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: I will have a second camera for close-up demonstration of the stitches.
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: It would be great if students could also have separate cameras so they can easily show their work, but it is not necessary as they can hold their work up to their camera to show it.
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 1 Maximum 18
Monarch Butterfly $45 USD
Variations on Basic Stitches
Detached Buttonhole (2 rows 7-loop maximum)
Double cast-on (flat & drizzle styles)
Bullions (35-80 wraps)
Cast-on (35-80 casts)
Needle Weaving
Spring Semester 2025 Distance Learning Classes!
Register for Distance Learning classes January 5 - 20, 2025
These online Zoom-based classes will be held in February, March, and April 2025. Class registrations will be accepted on a first come-first served basis. You must be a BDEIG member to register for classes. You can apply to be a member here:
Before registering, please note the Level of a class as Basic, Intermediate or Advanced. Review the levels here to assist in deciding which classes are appropriate for your stitching expertise: There are 9 classes being taught this semester.
Watch your email for detailed class information. Note that classes are listed in Eastern and Pacific Times.
Students may cancel their class registration before the registration close date and will be refunded their class fees less a $5 administrative fee per class. No cancellations may be made after the registration close date. Registration close date is January 20, 2025. This date may be extended for some classes.
Teacher Biographies: BDEIG Distance Learning January 2025 Registration
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
Class size is limited
Last edit: 01/05/2025
Swirls and Flowers $45 USD
Class size is limited
Detached Buttonhole
Loretta Holzberger, Teacher
Basic Level
Class $22.50, no kit cost
Thurs. Feb 6, 1:00-2:30PM Pacific time
Last Updated 07/03/2023
Distance Learning Classes
Registration periods through January 20, 2025
DESIGN TITLE: Desert Rose Bonsai
SESSIONS: 2 Total Session
INSTRUCTOR: Goff, Deborah - 100.00%
This bonsai is a succulent from East Africa that is full of trumpet shaped flowers and buds waiting to be stitched. Flowers feature buttonholes: regular, detached, and ruffled. They have an inverted cup representing a tubular center. Leaves are adorned with fly stitches. The tree trunk is a raised stem stitch complete with bullion roots.
SUPPLIES REQUIRED: Assorted beads for gravel to fill the pot and one skein of DMC floss (dark brown)
KIT COST INCLUDES: $12 plus shipping-- Includes design printed on fabric, instructions, picture, silk screen fabric, felt padding, complete instructions, and a doodle cloth. Thread
kits are available for purchase for $39.00 plus shipping. Individual skeins are $2.60
TECHNOLOGIES TEACHER USED: I will have a second camera for close-up demonstration of the stitches.
TECHNOLOGIES STUDENT REQ'D: It would be great if students could also have separate cameras so they can easily show their work, but it is not necessary as they can hold their work up to their camera to show it.
ADD'L TEACHER COMMENTS: Minimum Students: 1 Maximum 18
Class size is limited