Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild


Zoom Training

late May and early June

Several Zoom training sessions will be offered to BDEIG members so that they are ready to par- ticipate in the Zoom member events. For participation in many of these events, it is recommended that each member have a computer or laptop, if possible. The use of tablets or smart phones is possible, but the member will not have the same robust experience as they would with a computer or laptop. For all events, participating members are expected to have their Name on their Zoom session.

Training sessions will include how to change your name, how to mute/unmute your device, how to use Zoom Breakout rooms, and other Zoom features as needed.


More information will be available in the May newsletter and through BDEIG emails.



Welcome to BDEIG Seminar 2024!

While we had hoped to be able to meet in person it just did not work out. Your seminar team has been working hard to make Seminar 2024 one to remember. We have many gorgeous designs being taught during the week of Seminar, plus you will renew old friendships and make new ones with fellow stitchers.

There are many details still to be worked out-Merchant Mall, “parties” and more. Details will be provided once they are finalized.

Be sure to get your registration form and class selections forms in the mail to be received by May 15.


Important Seminar Dates

May 15           Received date deadline for registrations and class selections

May 25           Class confirmations and final statements emailed to attendees

June 1            Final payment date

June 10-17     2024 Seminar!




Daily Schedule
Note: All classes are scheduled for Pacific time. Be sure to check for the correct time in your time zone.
Pacific 8am, Mountain 9am, Central 10am, East 11am

Class schedules will be as follows:

AM    4 hour 8 to 10, Break, 10:30 to 12:30
        3 hour 8:30 to 10, Break, 10:30 to 12

Annual Membership General Meeting will be Monday June 17 at 2pm Pacific time.

Cancellation Policy

Teachers will be sending the class kits at least 2 weeks prior to the start of class. No cancellations/refunds once kits are mailed.

Basic Stitching Supplies

These are the normal items that you should have with you for each of your classes.

Assorted needles and needle threader
Medium size hoop or stretcher bars
Other items you depend on for stitching

BDEIG Annual Membership Meeting

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held Monday June 17 at 2pm.

We urge all members to attend and participate in this meeting.

Any items you wish added to the agenda and all motions must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Submit all items to:

Linda Chasse,


Future Teaching of Seminar Classes

Unless otherwise noted with the class description, all classes may be taught by others with the purchase of the design for each student in the class.

Classroom Etiquette

Avoid excessive talking. Listen to the teacher and do not attempt to answer questions for the teacher. Listen to instructions carefully and read all written material. Do not monopolize teacher’s time. Share!

Teachers are hired for their expertise. If your method for that technique is different, give the new way a try. Do not discuss other teachers or their style. If you differ with the teacher, use the evaluation form to express your views.

Written directions are not to be copied or taught without written permission from the teacher. Remember copyright laws.

Be on time and prepared with class needs as called for in instructions. Anticipate extra needs: extension cords, lights, needles, etc.

Make every effort to stay for the entire session.

If you must leave early, forewarn the teacher and plan to get additional instructions from a fellow student.

Do not demand time from the teacher.


Class Level Guidelines

Seminar classes are divided into three levels. Please select classes that are within your stitching ability and the ones for which you know the required stitches as stated in the class descriptions. All instructors will teach on the level that the classes are listed.


Bullions (under 35 wraps), Cast-on Loops (under 35), Knots (French, colonial, and pistil stitch), Lazy Daisy, Blanket Stitch, Satin Stitch, Drizzle, Couching, Stem/Outline Stitches, Alternating or Satin Stitch Leaf, Spider Web Weaving.


Variations on all Basic Stitches, Detached Buttonhole Stitch (2 rows; 7-loop maximum), Double Cast-on (flat and drizzle style), Bullions (35-80 wraps), Cast-on Loops (35-80), Needle Weaving.


Technical Innovations, Combinations and Specialty Stitches, Detached Buttonhole Stitch (more than 2 rows, 7 loops), Bullions (more than 80 wraps, Cast-on Loops (more than 80).

Class Intensity


Students will have time to practice all stitches and techniques taught. Class will be relaxing and informative.


Average students will have time to practice the techniques/stitches taught. Class material will be covered

quickly and thoroughly at a medium pace.


Information, stitching, and techniques presented in the class will be fast-paced. Students who work at a slower pace could have difficulty keeping up with the class.


CODE ~ CLASS TITLE ................... SESSIONS..............INSTRUCTOR .............. LEVEL

Monday, June 10

SS-1 From Paper to Fabric ..............1 of 3, 3 Hours ...... Debbie Kelley.............. A/M-H


Thursday, June 13

ThA-1 ..Ruth ..................................1 of 1, 4 hours....... Mendie Cannon................. I/L

ThA-2 .Tuscany ..............................1 of 2, 3 hours....... Judy Caruso....................... AH

ThA-3 ..From Paper To Fabric...........2 of 3, 4 hours...... Debbie Kelley.............. A/M-H


Friday, June 14

FA-1 .....Grow ..................................1 of 1, 4 hours....... Mendie Cannon................ B/L

FA-2 .....Tuscany ..............................2 of 2, 3 hours....... Judy Caruso..................... A/H

FA-3.. ...My Favorite Wild Rose..........1 of 1, 4 hours…... Debbie Kelley............ I/A M-H

FA-4 .....Summer Floral......................1 of 1, 3 hours....... Loretta Holzberger........... I/M

FA-5 .....Tree of Life….........................1 of 1, 4 hours....... Pat Kamperschroer......... B/M


Saturday, June 15

SA-1 .....Tree of Hearts.......................1 of 1, 4 hours....... Judy Caruso..................... B/M

SA-2 .....Goldfish Friendship................1 of 1, 3 hours....... Debbie Goff..................... B/M

SA-3 ..... Fabulous Foliage....................1 of 2, 4 hours.... Debbie Kelley.....................I/A-M-H

SA-4 .....Beads and Buds ...................1 of 1, 3 hours....... Loretta Holzberger........... I/M


Sunday, June 16

SuA-1...Flower Mantis Garden ......1 of 1, 4 hours....... Debbie Goff....................... I/H

SuA-2...Fabulous Foliage………….. 2 of 2, 4 hours........ Debbie Kelley..................... I/A M-H


Monday, June 17

MA-1....Arabian Jewels ..................1 of 1, 3 hours....... Debbie Goff................... B-I/M

MA-2....Stumpwork Daffodils ........1 of 1, 3 hours....... Loretta Holzberger........... I/M

MA-3....From Paper to Fabric.........3 of 3, 3 hours....... Debbie Kelley.............. A/M-H

Seminar Classes - 2024

Monday June 10

Class: SS-1  From Paper to Fabric                         Level/Intensity: Advanced/Medium/High

Session Hrs: 3           Session 1 of 3

* Get Acquainted, Saturday, June 8, 10:00am Pacific, 1-1.5 hours

* This Class will Start Early 1 of 3 sessions June 10, 10:00am Pacific, 3 hours

See ThA-3 for details.



Class: ThA-1

Level/Intensity: Beginner/Intermediate/Low

Session Hrs: 4      Session: 1

Instructor: Mendie Cannon     Designer: Gayl Ratigan


A vase of flowers that should be on the entryway table to greet your guests

with their pleasant colors. Sure to become a family and friend favorite.


Stitches Included: Stem, Pistil, Bullion, Cast-on, Leaf, Double cast-on,

Detached Buttonhole

Design Area: 7.5 x 3.5             Fabric Size: 12 x 12

Floss Needed: Glory 000; Iris 017, 024, 108, 144,

146; Lola 404

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Material Fee: $18 includes design pre-printed on

fabric, photo, instructions, beads

Thursday cont.


Class: ThA-2         Level/Intensity: Advanced/High

Session Hrs: 3       Session: 1 of 2

Instructor: Judy Borreson Caruso

Designer: Judy Borreson Caruso


Come and stitch a Tuscany landscape. Or maybe it’s in California. The Tuscany design features a house, olive trees, cypress trees, rows of grape vines, various flowers, and a stumpwork grape vine with bead grapes. An advanced level design, it also features a dog near the front door who is ready to greet you as you walk down the path. Various green, gold and yellow threads are used on the leaves and grape vines to accent sunshine and shaded areas. To complete this advanced design, students will work with a variety of thread colors in various thread weights. They will decide which threads/stitches to use to give the impression of sunlight from the left and depth in the landscape.

Stitches Included: Stitches include stem, outline, stacked outline, bullion, split back stitch, back, split, fly, satin, couching, combination stitch with cast-on and bullion,straight, cast-on French knots, colonial knots, couching, stumpwork on wire, basting alternating satin stitch leaf, wrapped stem stitch, buttonhole, lazy daisy

Design Area:  10 ¾ x 7 ½ inches

Fabric Size: 13 x 16 inches

Floss Needed: Boucle´ 132, 223, 240; Glory 050, 069, 124, 165, 166, 209, 223, 225, 315,
320; Iris 024, 049, 050, 053, 109, 121, 122, 127, 132, 202, 214, 223, 225, 230, 315, 330;
Lola 009, 024, 053, 121, 148, 315

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies:

Scissors for cutting wire or wire- cutters, 13 x 16 cream muslin or low loft batting, 2-13 x 2-16 stretcher bars and tacks, white or cream sewing thread, clear or burgundy colored sewing thread, Milliners needles #1, 5, 7 and 10 (or beading needle), Darner #18.

Material Fee: $28 including directions, color photographs and diagrams, 13 x 16 cream trigger cloth screen printed with washout ink, beads, wire.

Designing from Paper to Fabric

Class: ThA-3

Level/Intensity: Advanced/M/H

Session Hrs: 4

Session: 2 of 3

Instructor: Debbie Kelley

Designer: Debbie Kelley


Perhaps you’ve taken my “A Designer’s World” class and would like to experience a more in-depth study of how to take a design from paper to fabric & beyond. Perhaps you haven’t and want to see how the wheels turn and ideas develop. This class is for you! I’ve had to make some scheduling adjustments to convert this class from in-person to online. We’ll have one session before seminar starts and the other two scheduled for the first and last seminar class sessions.

What stitches will we use? Stitches you have learned, ones I have learned/created, ones we find in research. What are the possibilities? How will we achieve texture, dimension (literally or as an illusion). We’ll use a doodle cloth (provided) to try out the different techniques the class chooses and see if they work like we want. If not, back to the drawing board! Together we can create a lovely design. Experience the full paper-to-fabric process through the eyes and thoughts of your fellow students and a B.E. designer. Let’s DO this!


There will be three sessions to this class.

Session one (3-hours) will concentrate on brainstorming and researching stitches, images, threads, textures, and techniques. Students will choose which part of the design they want to create and that will be their “homework”.

Session two (FOUR hours) will analyze how the techniques worked, changes to be made, keep it, or toss it, discoveries, accidental stitch creations (that’s how most of mine happen, when I was trying to do something else), etc.

Session three (three hours) will finalize the stitching and begin to compose the instructions for the components of the design. If needed, we will have a follow-up zoom session to com- plete the design.

Designing from Paper to Fabric continued


Get Acquainted, Saturday, June 8, 10:00am Pacific, 1-1.5 hours

We’ll spend just a few minutes getting acquainted with Zoom and each other. The rest of the time we’ll look at the drawing of the design. You will have already received the class materials. We’ll discuss using the books you have and I’ll demonstrate other sources to help you find stitches/techniques to convey the look you want. We’ll talk about what textures/ design parts we need to be researching.

You have homework! Keep doing research!

Session 1, Getting Started and Beyond. Monday, June 10, 3 hours, 10:00am-11:30am Pacific, Break 11:30-12:30, resume 12:30-2:00pm. We have some leeway on this timing, we won’t be on “seminar time”.

This is where we’ll start looking at your ideas and will continue to concentrate on brainstorming and researching stitches, images, threads, textures, and techniques. How will we achieve texture, dimension (literally or as an illusion).

We’ll settle on what stitches/techniques will be used (changing one’s mind is allowed) for which design parts.
Students will choose which part of the design they want to create and that will be their “homework”. Homework will also include a photo of their part, sent to me, by 5pm Pacific time the night before the last session. I want to see everything you did, including the stuff you stopped stitching and why. Sometimes someone else can look at a “mistake” and have great suggestions for altering it to work! My homework is to attempt to piece them together to give a loose impression of what the finished design will look like.

Session 2, Parts is Parts, Let’s put them together! Thursday, June 13, 4 hours, 8am-10am PDT,

Break, 11am-1am PDT. We’ll look at the proposed finished piece. We will analyze how the techniques worked, changes to be made, keep it, or toss it, discoveries, accidental stitch creations (that’s how most of mine happen, when I was trying to do something else), etc.

Part of this class is going to be dynamic, we’ll go with the flow.
*sigh* Homework again.

Session 3, NOW what? Monday, June 17, 3 hours, 8:30am-10:00am, PDT, Break, 11:00am- 12:30pm PDT.

We will finalize the stitching and any other loose ends if needed.

We will discuss taking the design beyond the fabric, into writing instructions.

Design Area: 4 x 5

Fabric Size: 10 x 12

Floss Needed: Whatever you have available in your supplies! Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies. I will be sending out some stitching supplies that I think have possibilities for use in this design. You’ll need the supplies you have at home. Some examples are threads (keep in mind the threads you have, textures, type, etc.), beads, fabrics (felt, silk, tulle, textured, etc.)

Material Fee: $35, , includes background fabric, line drawing of design, and lots of interesting materials that may be used in the design.



Class: FA-1      Level/Intensity: Beginner/Medium                  Session Hrs: 4                             Session: 1

Instructor: Mendie Cannon     Designer: Debbie Hodge/Stitched Stories

Remember the old rhyme about contrary Mary and her garden, well here is your chance to grow your own garden and it is one that will last a lifetime. With a variety of flowers and herbs and a lovely buzzing bee you will have a garden that should win the best in the neighborhood.

Stitches Included: Stem, leaf, straight, lazy daisy, bullion, cast-on, open fly

Design Area: 7.25 round

Fabric Size: 10 x 10

Floss Needed: Boucle’ 007; Iris 087, 129, 134, 141, 156, 166, 203, 210, 225, 410; Lola 068

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Beading needle and thread; frame or hoop

Material Fee: $25 includes instruction booklet, color photo, BE instructions, design pre-printed on fabric, beads, backing fabric.

Other Supplies: A blunt tapestry needle for Lola.

An oval hoop, 4-1/2 x 9, is helpful for stitching the trellis area.

10 x 10 inch stretcher bars.





Class: FA-2    Level/Intensity: Advanced/High                        Session Hrs: 3    Session: 2 of 2

Instructor: Judy Borreson Caruso

Designer: Caruso, Judy Borreson


See ThA-2 for Complete Description


My Favorite Wild Rose

Class: FA-3    Level/Intensity: Advanced/Medium

Session Hrs: 4

Session: 1

Instructor: Debbie Kelley

Designer: Debbie Kelley

The petals on this lovely wild rose are created using my Interwoven Cast-on Stitch. This stitch is done using a drizzle technique, with four strands of floss and five needles. Don’t let that scare you, in class we’ll take it one step at a time. It is a very versatile stitch and has many possibilities! Various padding techniques are used on the leaves, stem, and buds. Students need to be familiar with the following stitches, bullion, satin stitch, stem stitch, double stem stitch, cast-on, drizzle, French knot. A doodle cloth will be provided for practicing the interwoven cast-on.

Stitches Included: bullion, satin stitch, stem stitch, cast-on, drizzle, French knot. Stitch taught is the interwoven cast-on.

Design Area: 3 x 7

Fabric Size: 10 x 13


Floss Needed: Glory 47, 157, 202, Iris 62 (2 skeins), 116, 120, 163, 174,

Frost 163, 202, 228, Lola 62, 157.

However, you can use your imagination and change the colors of the rose

petals. You can make the petals go from light on the inside to darker on the

outer edge (or dark to light), or change from one color to another, like yellow

to pink. For example, my colors go from gray (Frost 228) in the center of the

petal, to tan (Frost 202), to rose (Frost 163), to burgundy (Lola 157) on the

outside. To choose your own colors you’ll need 3 Frost colors and 1 Lola. I

can help you choose.

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Special Requirements: Five #1 extra long darner needles, drizzle pad, rubber
needle gripper.

Material Fee: $14 includes design printed on unbleached linen, optic white linen, or natural raw silk, instructions, photo, and the DMC cotton thread needed for padding the stem.

EdMar thread pack $38 extra.

Summer Floral

Class: FA-4     Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Medium          Session Hrs: 3                             Session: 1

Instructor: Loretta Holzberger      Designer: Loretta Holzberger

Here is a summer bouquet for you to stitch. It includes bachelor buttons, asters, peony, lavender, violets, forget-me-nots, and yarrow. Many basic stitches are used including double cast-ons, detached buttonhole, and double knotted buttonhole.

Stitches Included: Leaf stitch, feather stitch, French knot, bullion stitch, cast-on stitch, double cast-on stitch double knotted buttonhole stitch, detached buttonhole stitch

Design Area: Fits 5 x 7 mat or frame

Fabric Size: 10 x 12

Floss Needed: Glory: 201. Iris: 049, 077, 106, 121, 125, 134, 167, 217, 220.

Lola 328

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: #15 milliners needle, #24 tapestry needle

Material Fee: $12.00 Design printed on off white linen look fabric and instructions


Tree of Life

Class: FA-5    Level/Intensity: Beginner/Medium                  Session Hrs: 4              Session: 1

Instructor: Pat Kamperschroer                                                Designer: Debbie Hodges/ Stitched Stories

What an interesting interpretation for a Tree of Life. The birds, the seed pods, and the whole scene is bursting with energy. Originally designed to be a surface embroidery design using stranded cotton floss, we will jazz it up using our bright rayon threads and including some Brazilian embroidery stitches. We’ll also throw in some beads and optionally some glittery threads to spice it up even more. This piece will allow you to really work on some basics and give you a nicely finished piece for framing or as a pillow front. At the end, we’ll discuss a simple way to frame this piece on an 8 “ hoop.


Note: The design is printed in color with permanent ink. Although the

finished design will cover all of the design printing, using the thread colors

will best achieve the desired result.

Stitches Included: Back, back Woven, blanket, cast-on, chain, fly, lazy

daisy, outline, satin, split, spoke rose, stem, straight, wrap, zig zag


Tree of Hearts

Class: SA-1      Level/Intensity: Beginner/Medium                  Session Hrs: 4                             Session: 1

Instructor: Judy Borreson Caruso                                            Designer: Judy Borreson Caruso


Stitch Tree of Hearts for yourself or someone else you love! The design features pink and purple hearts on a heart-shaped tree. Kreinik braid and beads add bling and shine to the piece. Tree of Hearts is a basic-level stitching design.

Stitches Included: Stem, alternating satin stitch leaf, couching, raised herringbone, fly, satin, back, running, double running, lazy daisy, cast-on and bullion.

Design Area: 5 ¼ x 4 ½ inches

Fabric Size: 10 x 12 inches

Floss Needed: Iris 125, 135, 150, 151, 155, 170, 204, 207, Lola 059

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Kreinik Braid #4 3215; Scissors for cutting metallic


Material Fee: $20 includes directions, photos, white trigger cloth with

design in washout ink, 5 #8 beads, lengths of Kreinik Braid #12, lengths

of Kreinik Blending Filament



Goldfish Friendship

Class: SA-2      Level/Intensity: Beginner/Medium                  Session Hrs: 3                             Session: 1

Instructor: Deborah Goff                                                                     Designer: Deborah Goff

These goldfish have fancy purple tails, they complement each other with their yin yang ener- gies, and have a loyal bond. Friendship is stitched in Japanese Kanji. Let BDEIG Friendship bloom and create lasting friendships. We will stitch and practice our basic stitches.

Stitches Included: Bullion, fly, French knot, outline, satin, short and long, stacked stem

Design Area: 4 X 8"

Fabric Size: 10 X 12"

Floss Needed: Glory 117, 207; Iris 125, 203, 206, 208, 233

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: None

Material Fee: $18 - includes pattern printed on fabric, instructions,

doodle cloth, Razzle Dazzle Purple thread, Accentuate thread,

thermolam, color picture. EdMar thread kit (All full skeins) available

for $18.20.


Fabulous Foliage

Class: SA-3    Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Advanced/Medium                        Session Hrs: 4

Session: 1 of 2        

Instructor: Debbie Kelley                                                                  Designer: Debbie Kelley


Plant foliage can have fabulous texture and color, just like flowers! This is a fun and unusual design. A garden that features techniques and colors inspired by real leaves, placed upon plants and stitched in my imaginary garden. We will use a variety of familiar stitches combined in unusual ways to create the foliage. (Please note: There are only a couple of stitches that require this to be “Advanced”, otherwise it would be considered Intermediate.) Students should be familiar with bullion, straight stitch, satin stitch, outline, lazy daisy, bullion lazy daisy, stem stitch, double stem stitch, blanket, cast-on.

Stitches Included: Stitches used are bullion, straight stitch, satin stitch, outline, lazy daisy, bullion lazy daisy, stem stitch, double stem stitch, blanket, cast-on.

Stitches taught are fly, turkey, van dyke, wrapped stem, rick rack (thank you Rosalie Wake- field), and my auto-Palestrina, Comma (thank you Rosalie Wakefield), Feather Stitch, and my Cast-on Cast-on Stitch.

Design Area: 8 x 10

Fabric Size: 15 x18

Floss Needed: Amount listed will be plenty for finishing the design. Glory 109, 156, 167, 207, 223*, Iris 62, 94, 109, 118*, 119*, 121, 127, 147*, 150*, 157, 213, 226*, 402, Frost 121*, 125*, 128, 138*, 160, 311, Cire 311, Lola 45*, 62, 125, 173, 226, 315, 407, Nova 65, 148, 149*, 157, 170*, 211, 217, 304, 309 (2 skeins), 407, Boucle 120*, 128, 309* (* indicates 5 yards or less will be plenty, bring your leftovers, colors aren’t set in stone!)

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Size 15 Milliner’s needle, #1 extra long darner, drizzle pad.

Material Fee: $18 includes design printed on fabric (design will be available on black trigger, unbleached linen, optic white linen, or natural raw silk. I have a few available on cream/white trigger), instructions, photo. Full EdMar thread pack $126 extra (check your stash for those * colors!)









Beads and Buds

Class: SA-4     Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Medium          Session Hrs: 3                             Session: 1

Instructor: Loretta Holzberger      Designer: Loretta Holzberger

Explore various techniques to incorporate beads with Brazilian embroidery

Stitches Included: Leaf stitch, feather stitch, French knot, bullion stitch, cast-on stich, double cast-on stitch double knotted buttonhole stitch, detached buttonhole stitch.


Design Area: Fits 3 x 5 mat or frame

Fabric Size: 7 x 9

Floss Needed: I strand Cire 41. Glory 167 or similar green, Iris 147, 171 and 308

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Milliners needles in 3, 5, 7 or 9 and needle threader

Material Fee: $12.00 Design printed on raw silk, beads, beading thread and











Flower Mantis Garden

Class: SuA-1        Level/Intensity: Intermediate/High                  Session Hrs: 4                              Session: 1

Instructor: Deborah Goff                                                                    Designer: Deborah Goff


A small funky garden where a flower mantis is stalking a slipper orchid and keeping watch over this peculiar collection of flowers from pin cushion flowers to dahlia star flowers, el- egant but carnivorous picture flowers, Jewish oleanders, and ginger torch flowers.

Stitches Included: bullions, buttonhole, cast-on, colonial knots, corded detached button- hole, couching, detached buttonhole, double cast-on, double outline, hopper, leaf satin, outline, pistil, sat- in, short and long, straight, up-down cast-on

Design Area: 8 X 5"           Fabric Size: 15 X 12"

Floss Needed: Glory: 114, 135, 137, 172, 206;

Iris: 020, 097, 137, 172, 173, 208; Frost: 203;

Lola: 135, 137, 143, 161, 314; Cire: 101, 141, 14

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Drizzle Pad

Material Fee: $15 includes pattern printed on fabric, instructions, color picture, and assorted beads. EdMar thread (All full skeins) available for $52.


Fabulous Foliage


Class: SuA-2     Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Advanced/Medium          Session Hrs: 4                      Session: 2 of 2

Instructor: Debbie Kelley                                                                           Designer: Debbie Kelley

For full description see SA-3



Arabian Jewels

Class: MA-1       Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Medium          Session Hrs: 4       Session: 1

Instructor: Deborah Goff                                                                   Designer: Deborah Goff

Be enraptured by this Arabian Jewels design. Let your imagination dream of bright col- ors, jewels, and gold as you soar on the magic carpet. You will learn my new knotty stem stitch along with the practice of several basic stitches, including the hopper stitch.

Stitches Included: Bullion, buttonhole, chain, feather, hopper,

knotty Stem, lazy daisy, outline, padded satin, satin, straight

 Design Area: 3.5 X 5.5"

Fabric Size: 10 X 12"

Floss Needed: Iris 123, 129, 157, 173,174, 236; Lola 129

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Fine gold metallic thread, invisible thread

Material Fee: $18 - includes pattern printed on fabric, instructions,

doodle cloth, cabochon and assorted beads, Diamant gold thread,

Razzle Dazzle Gold thread, Sulky 6015 thread, color picture. EdMar

thread kit (All full skeins) available for $18.20






Designing from Paper to Fabric


Class: MA-3    Level/Intensity: Intermediate/M/H    Session Hrs: 3       Session: 3 of 3

Instructor: Debbie Kelley                                                                    Designer: Debbie Kelley

See ThA-3 for Complete Description

Stumpwork Daffodils

Class: MA-2     Level/Intensity: Intermediate/Medium           Session Hrs: 3                Session: 1

Instructor: Loretta Holzberger                                    Designer: Loretta Holzberger

Learn basic stumpwork techniques while creating a lovely bouquet of spring daffodils.

Stitches Included: Bullion, buttonhole, chain, feather, hopper, knotty Stem, lazy daisy, out- line, padded satin, satin, straight 

Design Area: Fits 5 x 7 mat or frame

Fabric Size: 10 x 12

Floss Needed: 2-3 skeins 114 yellow Glory or your choice of petal

color, 2 skeins Iris 160 or your choice of green, 1 skein of 203 or

your choice of contrasting yellow for cup

Basic Supplies Required: Yes

Other Supplies: Wire cutters

Material Fee: $15 includes instructions, printed background fabric,

28 gauge wire and stabilized fabric for attached petals and leaves, beads




Member of BDEIG for 17+ years, teaching for 15 years. Received my BE Certification in 2007. Have taught at BDEIG Seminar, various quilt guilds, EGA chapters, local college, senior centers and the International Quilt show in Houston, TX




Judy has taught Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery at needlework shops, EGA local, regional and national events, and BDEIG seminars for the past 12 years. For BDEIG, she has taught at in-person seminars and the 2021 virtual seminar. She currently serves as BDEIG’s Distance Learning co-chair. For the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA), she has taught a B.E. class as an Online Studio Class and at the 2022 Pacific Region Seminar. Judy is currently president-elect and a past-president of the Madison Area Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America.



I have been an avid Brazilian embroidery stitcher for over twenty years and a seminar teacher and designer for the past fourteen years. I have been stitching and teaching needle arts since my early twenties. I also stitch Romanian point lace, needle lace, needle tatting, stump work, hardanger, pulled work, drawn threads, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, needlepoint, and beading.



Loretta Holzberger learned Brazilian embroidery in the 1980’s and is a charter member of BDEIG, teaching at all the seminars to date.


I was introduced to Brazilian Embroidery 30 years ago. Though often other commitments got in my way, I found Brazilian embroidery to be my favorite form of needle artwork. I am a fledging designer and have taught classes in previous seminars and in person in my community.



I have been teaching Brazilian Embroidery for 28 years. I began designing in 1993 and taught my first classes at the BDEIG seminar in 1994. Prior to that I taught at a local yarn shop and offered classes through the local community college, UCC. I have been teaching at the BDEIG seminars for 28 years and have taught BDEIG local chapters, EGA Chapters, and through quilting and stitching shops across the country. I have traveled and taught in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, South Carolina, Illinois, and Canada. During the past two years I have taught 3 classes via Zoom for the BDEIG 2021 Virtual Seminar plus numerous classes through the BDEIG Distance Learning Program.

Annual Meeting

Monday June 17 2:00 – 3:30 PM Pacific

The Annual Meeting is described on Page 2 of this Seminar Brochure. The Ice Cream and Dessert Social will precede this event. Members entering the Zoom session before 1:50 will automatically be a part of the Ice Cream and Dessert Social.

Member Events

Wed June 12, 2:00-3:00PM Pacific, Meet and Greet – meet other BDEIG members

Thur June 13, 2:00-3:00PM Pacific, Make and Take Artist’s Card – stitch an artist’s card for a friend

Fri June 14, 2:00-3:30PM Pacific, Vendors and Teachers – meet vendors and teachers

Sat June 15 2:00-3:00PM Pacific, Show and Share Gallery – see pictures of B.E. stitching submitted by members

Mon June 17 1:00-2:00 PM Pacific, Ice Cream and Dessert Social  - bring your own dessert or any food. Stay for the annual meeting.

ALL MEMBER EVENT Show and Share Gallery Saturday June 15 2:00-3:00 Pacific The Show and Share Gallery event will include a showing of photographs of Brazilian embroidery stitching submitted by BDEIG members. A slide show will be presented and the submitting BDEIG stitcher is invited to discuss their B.E. stitching. More information will be available in the May newsletter and through BDEIG emails. This event will be held via Zoom and training will be held in late May and early June.

ALL MEMBER EVENT:Make and Create Artist’s Card  Thursday June 13 2:00-3:00 Pacific The “Make and Create” Artist’s Card event is another free activity for BDEIG members. The event is an opportunity for members to learn how to create an “ATC” (Artists Trading Card). How to design and create a card will be presented and members will learn how to make these tiny treasures. More information will be available in the May newsletter and through BDEIG emails. This event will be held via Zoom and training will be held in late May and early June.

Ice Cream and Dessert Social Monday June 17 1:00 – 2:00 PM Pacific

The Ice Cream and Dessert Social is an opportunity to share your favorite dessert with oth- er BDEIG members online. Unfortunately, while we’d love to taste each others’ food, that’s not possible. Members are also invited to share their recipes for an upcoming recipe book. Details regarding the recipe book will be presented in the May and August newsletters.

Maybe I’ll bring some frosted sugar cookies with sprinkles, which in B.E. terms is padded satin stitch covered with French knots or beads. More information will be available in the May newsletter and through BDEIG emails.

This fun event will be held directly preceding the Annual Meeting. Members can link into the Annual Meeting Zoom session early to participate in this fun event.

                              Registration Form and Class Selections

Please complete the entire registration form as it applies to you. All information is confidential and will not be revealed or shared with anyone. Be sure to sign at the bottom of the page. Class Selections - indicate your first, second and third class choice for each session. If you do not want to take a class during a session, or if you have no second or third choices, leave the space blank. You must take all sections of multi-session classes; first, second or third choices for multi-session classes must be the same.

ALL MEMBER EVENT Vendors and Teachers Friday June 14 2:00-3:30 Pacific The Vendors and Teachers session features our advertisers and teachers. Each participating vendor or teacher will host a Zoom Breakout Room. Each member attending the Zoom session can move from one Breakout Room to the next to visit all vendors and teachers. Planning is still underway. One item currently being planned is a drawing for B.E. supplies basket for members engaged in this event. More information will be available in the May news- letter and through BDEIG emails. This event will be held via Zoom and Zoom Breakout Room training will be held in late May and early June. You won’t want to miss this event!

ALL MEMBER EVENT: Meet and Greet – Wednesday June 12 2:00-3:00 Pacific The Meet and Greet event is an opportunity for members to meet and engage with other BDEIG members. Seminar chair Mendie Cannon will open Seminar and introduce your Board members and Teachers. Then we will meet other B.E. stitchers from across the country and the world. Planning is still underway for some fun activities. More information will be available in the May newsletter and through BDEIG emails. This event will be held via Zoom and training will be held in late May and early June.

BDEIG Seminar 2024

June 10-17 2024

ON LINE Seminar

Theme: Forging Friendships Flower: Daffodil