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Distance Learning Classes
Welcome to an elite group of specialized embroiderers. To encourage each other, the Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild was founded in 1991 by a unanimous, joyful, affirmative vote. It was a long-time dream come true for me.
From a beginning of about 50 charter members, BDEIG Inc. now has over 400 members worldwide. If you don't find a chapter near you, we encourage you to start one.
The largest benefit of belonging to BDEIG is being able to attend the annual seminar. The cost is reasonable. It includes over 50 class offerings (you choose up to two for each of 5 days), 6 nights lodging, 17 meals and a very full, interesting "Goodie Bag".
Thank you for being a part of 'us'. We hope you will enjoy it, and eventually volunteer to become an Officer or Chairperson - with all its honors and responsibilities.
Virginia Chapman
Founder, B.D.E.I.G. Inc.
Frequently used in Brazilian embroidery to give the dimensional look
Last Updated 02/08/2022
Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild
A message from our founder
Chosen for their dimensional qualities, the Basic Stitches explained below have been known and used for hundreds of years. Z-twist rayon thread is commonly used for this style of embroidery because of its sheen and smoothness. Most dimensional stitches, especially the bullion stitch, are easier to make with rayon because of the thread's smooth texture.
The use of rayon threads for dimensional embroidery, dyed in bright variegated colors, was developed in Brazil by Mrs. Elisa Hirsch Maia in the 1960's. While the threads are now manufactured in other regions, we continue to honor the origins of this art from with the name Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery.
Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery
International Guild, Inc.
Brazilian Dimensional
International Guild
Annual Seminar
These stitch instructions have been provided by Peggy Crawford and Loretta Holzberger The diagrams and written instructions are copyrighted. They are for your personal use.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of BDEIG, this FREE booklet is the Guild's gift to our members, future members, and to the rest of the needle arts community who many be interested in exploring the wonderful and colorful world of Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery.
Z-twist thread, needle knowledge and explanation of core dimensional stitches are a few topics in this informative booklet. Download your copy today!
In-person classes, social events & more!
Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery
Closed group & Not managed by BDEIG, but many guild members participate
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