Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild

Scroll down to see more raffle boxes

and details about purchasing tickets.

Virginia Chapman Special Raffle

Scroll down to see more raffle boxes

and details about purchasing tickets.

Virginia Chapman Seminar Raffle

Box 5 and Box 6 details.

You will be notified of your ticket numbers.

This drawing will be held at Seminar at the general meeting on June 19, 2025, and all proceeds will go to BDEIG general fund. Each box is valued between $100-$200 and we will sell up to 500 tickets per group. The winner will be given their pieces at the seminar. If you are not at seminar the pieces will be mailed to you on June 23, 2025.

To purchase tickets by check:

Please indicate which Box you are purchasing and send check to:

Joyce Parker
181 Kawana Trail Drive
Westminster, SC 29693.

Make check payable to BDEIG. Check must be mailed by May 30th.

Box 3 and Box 4 details.

You will be notified of your ticket numbers.

Drawing to be held via Zoom on April 14, 2025 at 1:00pm EST led by Joyce Parker and Linda Chasse. The prizes are valued at $100-$200 dollars each. We will sell up to 500 tickets per group and the proceeds will go to BDEIG. 

Zoom Meeting ID. 865 2921 1967.

Zoom Passcode: 773415

Prizes will be mailed the following day. Put this date on your calendar so you can participate.

To purchase tickets by check:
Please indicate which Box you are purchasing and send check to:

Joyce Parker
181 Kawana Trail Drive
Westminster, SC 29693. 

Make check payable to BDEIG. Check must be mailed by April 1st.