Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild

​Last Updated 06/29/21


Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild

Any person 18 years of age or older may become a member of the Guild upon application and payment of annual dues.  Minors may join under sponsorship of an adult member.

Membership shall be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such member's dues remain unpaid 60 days after the first day of that member's anniversary month.

Upon review and recommendation by the Conduct Committee, the Executive Board may revoke any membership.

The Membership List ​may be used for BDEIG functions only.

Excerpts from BDEIG By-laws

Elections will be by paper or electronic ballot published in the May Newsletter with directions on delivering vote to Nominating Chairman.

Elections will be held at the annual business meeting.

Names of nominees and letters of acceptance must be received by the Nominating Chairman as directed in the February newsletter.  There will be no nominations from the floor at the annual business meeting.

Ballots will be open and counted immediately before the annual meeting by a member at large and two Executive Board members, to be chosen by the Past President.

Names of candidates with majority vote of all ballots received will be announced.  All counts remain private.

New Officers assume responsibilities on July 1.




Fiscal Year is July 1 - June 30. 

Members may not use their Guild membership to profit financially by sales or solicitation of business.  EXCEPTIONS ARE:

  • Paid advertising in the guild newsletter
  • Paid booths at annual seminar
  • Other guild-related functions

Guild may contract with any individual in a professional capacity.

Fiscal records will be reviewed annually by a committee appointed by the President, with written report submitted to Board.

Chapter ​fundraisers will not compete with BDEIG fund-raising events.

Annual Business Meeting of the Guild membership will be held during each year's Seminar for the purpose of electing officers and completing other business necessary for the good of the Guild.

BDEIG Membership i
s a requirement for Seminar registration.

Only Current members 
are entitled to vote.



Help members, teachers, and students achieve high standards of excellence in Brazilian embroidery.

Encourage the knowledge and use of Brazilian embroidery.

Provide Guidelines 
for judging and seminar classes.

positive interaction among those who do Brazilian embroidery through workshops, demonstrations, classes and the annual seminars.

the formation of BDEIG Chapters, both local and internet.

Guild members to honor and respect the work of all artists and designers.

What's Happening on Facebook

Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

Closed group & Not managed by BDEIG, but many guild members participate