Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild


Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild

These stitch instructions have been provided by Peggy Crawford and Loretta Holzberger The diagrams and written instructions are copyrighted. They are for your personal use.  

What's Happening on Facebook

Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

Closed group & Not managed by BDEIG, but many guild members participate

Leaf Stitch:  

This variation of the satin stitch is a basic for creating leaves in Brazilian embroidery. 

Anchor the knot within the leaf and come up at A, at the tip of the leaf. 

Go down at B, about 1/3 in from the tip.


Work alternating from the left and right of the tip and always go back down at the vein, but move the stitches down the vein as well as down the edges. 

Like any directional satin stitch, keeping the angle pleasing is something that requires practice. 

​Last Update  07/01/2018