
Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Guild

What's Happening on Facebook

Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

Closed group & Not managed by BDEIG, but many guild members participate

Click on any photo to see a larger picture, the design name & designer.   Each photo has a link to the instructions.


Give Brazilian dimensional embroidery a try!  These small projects feature

  • Basic B.E. stitches, with directions provided as an Education Service on this website.
  • Additional stitches explained in the instructions.
  • Free to you, for your own personal stitching enjoyment and are not to be photocopied, shared or sold to others. The original copyright belongs to the designer and we ask you to respect copyright laws.

If you enjoy these projects, please contact the designers to find other books and designs they have available.

​Last Updated 12/20/2015

Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

International Guild, Inc.

International Guild